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Strongway Acreage Rake, 60in.W, 6 Tine Reels

The Strongway Acreage Rake is a heavy-duty gardening tool that allows you to rake, dethatch and whip leaves and cut grass into rows in minimal time. With 6 tine reels, each side can be lifted individually to enable windrowing to just one side. It has built-in bearings for smooth performance and reversible tine reels for extended use.
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Northern Tool
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The Strongway Acreage Rake is a heavy-duty gardening tool that allows you to rake, dethatch and whip leaves and cut grass into rows in minimal time. With 6 tine reels, each side can be lifted individually to enable windrowing to just one side. It has built-in bearings for smooth performance and reversible tine reels for extended use.

Cechy produktu

ModelAcreage Rake